Dear Friends!

 It was a great honour and privilege for me to coordinate the project ‘A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body’. I am incredibly grateful for your cooperation, support and kind words. Thank you for all meetings, long discussions, effective working sessions and creative activities. 
Thanks to your enthusiasm and commitment, the project was a great success. We gave our students a chance to visit European countries, meet inspiring people and share ideas. For many of them, taking part in the project was an important formative experience. I hope our actions will help them better understand the concept of cultural diversity and develop acceptance and respect for others.

Irma, Lina, Cristina, Niels and David, I am so thankful for the time spent with you. You are my Dream Team :)

I will keep you in my heart!


Traditional food

Students and teachers prepared presentations about national food

Our famous sportsmen

PPS about national sports stars were presented in Romania. 

My school - presentation

Students from each partner school prepared PPS


Teacher and students form Junior High School in Promnik took part in an  Information Conference about  Lifelong Learning Programme.


Project news, photos and activities are presented regularly on our Comenius Corner.